On straight initial NFL Pick Em impulse, I picked the Denver Broncos to win the game. The funny thing is that I had no logical reason on why. It wasn't Kyle Orton, the defense or the coaching. Also, Baltimore is a 3.5 point favorite AT HOME coming off of a bye week so there are a lot of things working against Denver. My only explanation was that it would be a grind it out game and Denver will find a way to win. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Considering that I am Dario "THE REALIST" Mobley, I could not pick based on those thin facts so I changed my picked to Baltimore. However, that should tell you something about my evolution in my mind for Denver as a team. When I start picking a team based on gut feeling and it is not my home town team, something weird is happening and that phenomenon can be nothing but good. Anyhow, I know you rock with Denver to the T-Bone (Damn, That was a corny joke) so I know you picked them.Still, I am curious to hear your thoughts because you like the game of football too. Oh, don't worry about the Reggie Bush mouth running either. The game is played on the field.
Your thoughts?
As far as the Reggie Bush thing, I am not worried about him, I was just saying most years when an undefeated team starts talking about being undefeated, that is usually when they lose.
As for the Broncos, I was like you, going back and forth on my pick. I ended up picking the Broncos, and I thought it must be because of my hometown bias. But then I started looking at it a little closer, and there might be more to it. Baltimores defense has not really performed that well this year. Take out the Cleveland game and their stats are just average. Denver on the other hand has been stellar at defense. Lets look at the offenses. Again Baltimore has been good, but not fantastic. Denver is the same, the difference is the direction they are going. Denver seems to be getting better each week, whereas Baltimore if anything seems to be going backwards.
Lastly, everyone has been saying "Baltimore is coming off of the bye week" and they are giving them an advantage because of that. However, Denver is coming off of their bye week also, and who has been better at scheming offensively and defensively than Denver? McDaniels and Nolan have had an extra week to plan and scheme for the ravens. So offensively, to me, advantage- no one. Defensively, advantage, denver. Coaching, to me, advantage Denver. Winner, Denver.
your thoughts?
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