Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dario Complimenting the Pistons!!!! WHAT THE HELL?

From: Pierce, Roy I:

Could this really happen…Pistons and Red Wings be champions in 2008??? I think so!

From: Dario Mobley:

Pistons won’t win b/c of  the injury  to Billups. It kinda of sucks because I like to see basketball played at the highest level.

From: Pierce, Roy I.

I forgot bout that.

From: Dario Mobley :

I am not liking Boston b/c they are not playing up to their potential. KG is overrated.

From: Pierce, Roy I. :

He the only one playing well on offense on their team!

From: Dario Mobley :

He is a fake superstar. He is not capable of having that big scoring game ( 35 + points) and he is the highest paid player in the league. When he plays a good team (The pistons or Lakers), they are not going to double him and he is going to have to score big. Even Tim Duncan had 40 points the first game against Phoenix. Poo. KG is overrated. He shows all that emotion and he has not taken more than 13 shots the last two games. It is one thing to not be selfish but it is a whole different story when you are the franchise player and you don’t do everything/anything you need to do to allow your team to win. He should score. IF he does not have one of those games, I don't think they can win it. I am officially against him. Rip had 32 points last game.

From: Pierce, Roy I. :

If Cleveland beats Boston I don’t think Billups will need to play until the finals.I see what you’re saying bout KG… but is he suppose to be the ‘franchise’ guy in Boston or is he just suppose to be a team member. Detroit doesn’t have a franchise guy like Kobe, Lebron, MJ, Magic… etc.RIP stepped up last game. I want Sheed to destroy the whole Magic team this game b/c of the guarantee; that would be hilarious. Hornets need to destroy San Anton tonight too or my prediction is done and so are the Hornets.

From Dario Mobley:

Billups will have to play to beat Cleveland also. I am not a Detroit fan but I at least want to see the game be played at it’s full potential. Detroit does not have a franchise guy. Your right but no one on Detroit’s team is making 23.7 million dollars and has won a league MVP and gets the accolades like KG has received. The Magic are not ready and I will stick a foot in my mouth on that one. I think Sheed will have a good game and watch Mr. Rip!!!! I want the Hornets to win but I picked the Spurs. My basketball mind tells me that. I hate that!!!! Anyhow, we will see.

1 comment:

flyingtroll said...

It's not a huge issue. Dario just took a little longer to realize what the rest of us have known for years:

Kobe Sucks
Pistons rule the world
Hard work and hustle win over flashiness ALWAYS!!!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Pistons fans Dario....we are glad you could join us.